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For Authors

The various macros (basic and advanced) and format and figure and instruction files in TeX and LaTeX are to be found in this ZIP file.

TeX: Use/rename paper template (which uses the macro file, so put it in the same directory). Refer to this instruct file. Also, for a minimal format for references, the files journal.tex, proceed.tex, and refmac.tex, from the spline bibliography. The file journal.tex gives, at its end, a complete description of the minimal format.

LaTeX: Use/rename LaTeX template (which uses the sat document class, so also put sat.cls into the same directory).

Acceptance: If your article is accepted for publication, we will request the (LaTeX or TeX) source file and any other files needed to compile it. Publication will follow shortly after acceptance of the article and receipt of a publication release form.

Publication Ethics: The editors support and subscribe to the codes of journal publication ethics as to be found at the European Mathematical Society (EMS) and the American Mathematical Society (AMS).

The following is quoted from the American Mathematical Society's Ethical Guidelines:

``Editors are responsible for the timely refereeing of articles and must judge articles by the state of knowledge at the time of submission. Editors should accept a paper for publication only if they are reasonably certain the paper is correct.

The contents of submitted manuscript should be regarded by a journal as privileged information. If the contents of a paper become known in advance of publication solely as a result of its submission to or handling by a journal, and if a later paper based on knowledge of the privileged information is received anywhere (by the same or another journal), then any editor aware of the facts must refuse or delay publication of the later paper until after publication of the first---unless the first author agrees to earlier publication of the later paper.

At the time a manuscript is submitted, editors should notify authors whenever a large backlog of accepted papers may produce inordinate delay in publication. A journal may not delay publication of a paper for reasons of an editor's self interest or of any interest other than the author's. The published article should bear the date on which the manuscript was originally submitted to the journal for publication, together with the dates of any revisions. Editors must be given and accept full scientific responsibility for their journals; when a demand is made by an outside agency for prior review or censorship of articles, that demand must be resisted and, in any event, knowledge of the demand must be made public.

Both editors and referees must respect the confidentiality of materials submitted to them unless these materials have previously been made public, and above all may not appropriate to themselves ideas in work submitted to them or do anything that would impair the rights of authors to the fruits of their labors. Editors must preserve the anonymity of referees unless there is a credible allegation of misuse.''

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